Large-N Matrix Models

Frank Ferrari - The New Large D Limit of Matrix Models: Theory and Applications

Henry Lin - Review of the large N matrix bootstrap

Continuum Limit | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 4)

Large N | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 1)

Gautam Mandal: A Fresh Look at Large N limits of Matrix models and Holography

Adam Tropper - New Symmetries in Old Matrix Models

Large N | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 2)

The Granular Geometry of Large N matrix Models and 2D String Theory by Gautam Mandal

fine tuning a LLM in less than 30 minutes!

Integrable models on random surfaces: Extension of matrix models. - Ara Sedrakyan

Sen Hu: Large N of Chern-Simons matrix model and conformal field theory #ICBS2024

Alexander Frenkel - Entanglement in Matrix Quantum Mechanics

Matrices | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 3)

Spectral Curve | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 6)

Eigenvalue Distribution | Matrix Models, Large N & Strings - Guillermo Silva (Part 5)

Igor Klebanov (Princeton University): Large N Tensor Models 1 - Part 1

GQFI-WST Seminar: Jorrit Kruthoff 'Bootstrapping Matrix Quantum Mechanics'

Igor Klebanov - Large N Models - 3

211103 - S Pateloudis (U Regensburg)

Igor Klebanov - Large N Models - 2

Vladimir Kazakov - Matrix Model for Structure Constants of 'Huge' Protected Operators in N=4 (...)

Principal Chiral Model at Large N and the glimpse of a new String Theory

Matrix Models (4 of 4)

BFSS Yang-Mills Matrix Quantum Mechanics